Ey ! Bear the brunt, It's celestial !

A bunch of planets up there in the space, asteroids, comets or whatever, can wipe out our planet by collision. But these planets can choose you individually and sue you to hell. While comets and asteroids stay out of this, planets can do something serious. How? There's an easy way and that's astrology. Astrology as we know is a pseudo science. A pseudo science is something like a set of beliefs mistakenly regarded as being based  on scientific methods. Believing in astrology is helpful to people at times because you can frame  immaculate excuses of escapism with it. You can sit back and blame the planets for your deeds. Yeah that's some kind of relief for us. Isn't it ? 
Am I being a blasphemer? No. Astrology is only based on predictions and is not consistent in keeping the promises it gives. Astrology being a science should have the following qualities. It should be consistent, testable and falsifiable and  it should be affirmative to all the previous theories it held. Astrology lacks all these qualities proving itself to be a pseudo science. In our country, the damage it does to the people who believes it is to an extent, unbearable. People spend hell of their money to keep safe from all the possible repercussions, a change in planetary positions might cause, as they are told. Predictions of a person which in the inner conscience even the believers are unsure about directs you to the life you should lead. Does this sound mundane? While you can blame your conscience by just believing like that, does it prove to be wise for you? The famous astrophysicist Neil de Grasse Tyson commented on astrological belief, quoted  that "part of knowing how to think is knowing how the laws of nature shape the world around us. Without that knowledge, without that capacity to think, you can easily become a victim of people who seek to take advantage of you".
In our country astrology is the most rude and inconsiderate villain in a girl's life dashing all her dreams in ways you never expect. Enjoying college life within her constraints and graduates dreaming of a job and a promising career. There comes the villain persuading her parents that marriage in an year or she's never gonna marry anyone in her life. There she's franitcally married to somebody, no matter what. Cases are worse, leaning on this reason, even girls just after passing her higher secondary education are forced to marry. An astrologer can turn your life upside down and can damn you. Look at the way, your belief in astrology can make you so vulnerable. So let's think logically and fear no predictions. If not adhered to the capacity to think, astrology is a necessary evil and in our society there are many who serves this evil.


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