Hollow is the new pulse

Trailers and promos of today's movies kicks in like a festival. They invariably sets for the movie an attractive perimeter. But as the seats fill in and the movie starts it more or less like the same that has already passed.

Has our film industries so incompetitively lost to stardom or is the cinematic value fading away form the movies. The indian film industry which is globally famous as the grooming ground of one of the world renowned directors like Satyajt Ray is failing itself beyond a point. Even though Speilberg denied the striking similarities of his series E.T with the unproduced project "The Alien" of Mr Ray which went like viral in Hollywood but eventually extingushed due to unknown reasons, it is a matter of pride for us to have a person among us to have this vision, his foresightedness at that time. It has turned blind for the reason that it doesn't want to be bothered about the substance but only for the money it pours in.Today the producers have the audacity to release a family drama film in 3D so as to garner more money in to their pockets and thereby breeding more and more flaccidly idiotic punch. Movies has lost its essence away to entertainment. Today a movie is seen more or less like a circus, irrespective of age everybody in the seats has to be entertained. Now it's like a movie should appeal to everyone not aesthetically but more like a consumeristic satisfaction. A movie may not well appeal to a child and a grown-up at the same time. I believe no film does that to the full extent. Let's take the example of the film Wall-E. The animation of the film, the funny moves and the whole superficiality of the film may appeal to kids but what it means at the end of the film is imperceptible for them. There are a few people who stands apart from this candyfloss movement but their efforts go highly unappreciated and unseen. Directors like Anurag kashyap, Vishal bharadwaj, Khwashik Mukherjee and many more who hesitates to share the same limelight their contemporaries highly celebrate. Genre based movie system has not yet been established in our industry. If its there there is ony one- "Masala". Comedy- Action-Drama- Adventure-Musical-Biographical-Horror comes exclusivley packed in one. A new term "multiplex audience" has been coined by the media. What does it consist of? Is it the audience who goes for offbeat films or is it the audience who spends a fortune in the multiplex for watching the idiotic punch.

There are no bad actors only bad directors. Stanislavski

What we see today has been moulded by the despotic power of stardom and money eating fireflies. There are many directors who succumbed and were eventually vanquished by it. A hopeful league of the visionaries are still there in the undercurrent, but they are dying to build up a fan-base of their own. Equally are they happy with their efforts seen by a lesser division and exasperated witnessing their efforts crushed by the idiotic


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